Monday, October 18, 2010


I received a callback from an organization called the Greater Phoenix Economic Council regarding an internship opening. Since they are only looking for a part time intern right now, I will be able to start next week. I am very excited about this internship as it is a very good opportunity to learn about economic strategies to attract new businesses to the area. The organization, which receives have of its funding from private business partners, works together with municipalities and the county to determine policies and a regional economic plan to attract companies that have an interest in opening up operations in Phoenix.

A little about GPEC:

GPEC Services

The Greater Phoenix Economic Council (GPEC) provides companies with confidential, expert support in streamlining site searches, connectivity to decision-makers and access to world-class talent to deliver innovative solutions. GPEC's customized tools and business development professionals are ready to demonstrate how this region can improve the bottom line.

Operational Cost Analysis 

Economic Impact Analysis 

  • MetroComp Analysis
  • Examine annual operating cost comparisons (i.e. labor wages, taxes and utilities) prospect specific for major U.S. and Canadian markets.
  • Discuss project's economic impact and community benefit.
  • Understand the projected economic contribution to the community and region to help encourage a competitive business assistance package.

Regional Economic Labor Market Data
HR/Employment Assistance

Connectivity to Key Resources

  • Obtain current wage rates, labor force and skill levels based on occupation and industry.
  • Research shipping costs, housing affordability and demographics.
  • Connect with local employers for HR manager interviews.
  • Connect to key assets, universities and community colleges.
  • Coordinate with state and local regulatory authorities.
  • Benefit from job-training programs.
  • Access business start-up resources.

<90-Day Certified Permitting & Shovel Ready

  • Reduce design/permit review times for qualified projects.
  • Take advantage of real-time turnkey real estate solutions.]

Wish me luck!



  1. Awesome! Congratulations! From the description you gave that shounds like a great opportunity.

  2. Thank you! Very face-paced and demanding. Love the energy in the new workplace.

  3. Good luck! There is a definite need to bring businesses and jobs into Arizona. That would a fascinating internship!

  4. Good luck and congrats! So you will be interning with 2 organizations? I will be checking on you to see how its going.
