Monday, November 1, 2010

The 2011 Homeless Street Count is Fast Approaching!

The federal department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requires that jurisdictions conduct a Point-in-Time Homeless Count on their streets and in their shelters every other year. Greater Phoenix has gone above and beyond this requirement by committing to conducting a count every year. The resulting Point-in-Time Count numbers are reported to HUD in the annual Continuum of Care Grant Application, as well as used for local planning purposes. Results of the 2010 Homeless Street Count are available at the link below:

If you have any questions or comments about the 2011 Homeless Street Count, please feel free to contact me at Thanks for reading!



  1. How do they go about gathering the numbers? Are they volunteers or trained counters?

  2. Thank you for the important information you provided. I learned something valuable. It was the question that has been lingering on my mind. I always wanted to know what the government does for the homeless citizens. I was unaware that the HUD conducts the homeless count each year. More importantly, congratulations on your good work. You are making a difference in your community. Your work is very important to the HUD. It allows it to perform its homeless needs.

  3. Thank you, Achuil. I really appreciate it. I wouldn't be able to do it without the group I work with at MAG. They are some of the most caring people I have ever met.

    knfrank - HUD has issued a new policy this year in the homeless count. Volunteers now have to determine if a homeless person is (a) a vetaran; and (b) chronically homeless. This requires them to actually communicate with the person. Volunteers include anyone from citizens to police officers. Big safety concerns for everyone involved. You can see the problems there...

  4. I can second Nick's assessment of the Human Services Division at MAG they are a great bunch. I look forward to seeing the results of the survey this year!
