Monday, December 6, 2010

Last week at MAG

As most of you probably already know, we are in our last final week of the semester! This means that christmas time is right around the corner! This also means that this is my last week as an intern at MAG. I have learned a lot at the organization and have had the opportunity to meet some great people. This internship has allowed me to explore the non-profit community in a way that I never would have expected. I have also realized how hard some people in the valley are working to help solve problems like homelessness and domestic violence. I am amazed at some of these people. I wish to someday be as giving as them. Community involvement at the grass roots level is a must, as it really demonstrates an effective way to help the less fortunate on a day-to-day basis. MAG does great things with the community on a grassroots level. The Human Services department at MAG allows for the government to hear the concerns of the people. This bridge between government and the community is what makes Phoenix a great place to live!

Just wanted to add, the internship position is open. If anyone is interested, please send a resume, coverpage, and writing sample to Amy St. Peter. She will help you get all situated. I will include a link below describing the details of the internship. Anyone who is interested in learning about grassroot community involvement through public administration should not pass this up. And you also get to work with some great people!

Have a great week.


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