Monday, December 6, 2010

Real Estate in Phoenix

Hello All

It appears that some believe that Phoenix is poised to make a comeback as it relates to Commercial Real Estate.  I received this link at work and wanted to share it. In the CT analysis linked below, it appears that Phoenix is adding back jobs at a decent clip which should eventually amount to more real estate activity.

Commercial real estate reboud? Might be a bit too early to talk about that. Only time will tell. I have had the opportunity to work at a commercial real estate mortgage brokerage called Remington Financial located here in the valley. I follow the commercial and residential real estate markets very closely. Some people don't like to believe how bad the markets really got here. Both real estate markets act separately but have serious impacts on the Arizona when unstable. It's great that some jobs are coming back. But I don't see that market recovering any time soon. Let's think positive and hope for 2 years.


1 comment:

  1. I was browsing through blogs and got hold of yours. I think this is a much sorted text and I would like to follow up on this. Investing in real estate is a challenging task but at the same time rewarding as well. So if you are planning to invest in real estates, Phoenix can be a good destination for you. Real estate in phoenix has some great deals for the investors. The positive growth rate of phoenix is also in favor of investment and witness that real estate in phoenix has always been a business of profit. You may find some difficulties in ascertaining good and suitable deals according to your needs but for that you can contact some local agencies to do the needful for you. They can come as a helping hand ultimately bringing some great deals for you.

    For more information related to real estate in phoenix please visit american real estate investments
